captain language login

captain language login

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Speak fluently different languages! - Captain Language
    I am passionate about languages; I'm native German, I speak fluent English, I have a good level of Italian, right now I'm studying Spanish in college while I'm also learning French through the online course Captain Language.
    Status:Page Online

Captain Language: Reviews and Method
    Captain Language is for you! Improve your level in one of 5 languages of the programme online (English, Spanish, French, German or Dutch), and educate yourself no matter what time of the day or night. Note: Enjoy the full version of the captain Language e-learning solution on your computer. On the road or would just prefer to connect using your ...
    Status:Page Online

Buy online language courses - Captain Language
    Captain Language offers you English courses for 1 to 24 months. Learn via your computer, tablet or smartphone without limit. After the placement test (about 30 minutes) you have access to over 300 lessons preparing you for various subjects: “Introducing yourself”, “Making acquaintances”, “Giving and understanding directions ...
    Status:Page Online

6 Monate Online-Sprachkurs - HL - Captain …
    Captain Language bietet online Zugang zu über 300 Lektionen, die auf zahlreiche typische Themen vorbereiten oder spezielle Situationen trainieren. Die 30- bis 45-minütigen Lektionen helfen, sich mit der jeweiligen Sprache in puncto Vokabeln und Grammatik vertraut zu machen. Zum Vertiefen der Kenntnisse stehen Dokumente mit den wichtigsten Punkten der Lektion zum Download bereit.
    Status:Page Online

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