carpenter ants in log home

carpenter ants in log home

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Carpenter Ants in your log home or cabin
    Carpenter Ants. By Vince Palmere, Perma-Chink Systems, Inc. If you live around trees, and most people do, you probably have carpenter ants around your home. Carpenter ants are typically large ants, although the size of the workers can vary in a single colony.
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Carpenter Ants - Cabin Life
    Carpenter ants are one of the big boys of the insect world. Workers are usually black, or red and black in color, and they range in size from 3/8 to 1/4 inch in length. Winged ants may be up to l inch long. They range all over the United States, wintering over in extreme climates quite easily.
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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants ... - Home | Joybilee Farm
    How to get rid of carpenter ants in your home without fumigation. I live in a log house. Every May and June I hear the song, “♫the ants go marching one by one♪” playing in my head.
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Insect Problems in Log Homes – Weatherall Northwest
    Carpenter ants are kind of like the ‘canary in the coal mine’: if you have carpenter ants nesting in your home, then you almost certainly have rotting wood in your home. Carpenter ants nest in moist or decayed wood; they are unable to chew (tunnel) through sound, solid wood.
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Carpenter Ants - The Log Home Neighborhood
    12.02.2009 · Carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) nest in wood and cause serious damage when infestations occur in structures. Runways and galleries are excavated in timbers with opening or "windows" cut at intervals to expel sawdust. Galleries of carpenter ants have a smooth, sand-papered appearance as opposed to those of termites which are filled with debris ...
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