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e-Mahtari â•fi Improving Maternal Healthcare in Rural ...

    e-Mahtari system. The results of e-Mahtari implementation are then presented and lessons learned for ICT use in healthcare in resource-starved regions are highlighted. Finally, the paper is concluded with limitations and directions for future research. Research Context and Methodology
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    Monitoring. Services. Establishments
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AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) - AMCIS 2015 Proceedings: e ...

    e-Mahtari – Improving Maternal Healthcare in Rural India through Information and Communication Technologies. People living in rural areas in developing nations have limited access to quality healthcare. According to a recent United Nations report, most developing nations will not reach their millennium development goals related to maternal ...
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[PDF] e-Mahtari - Improving Maternal Healthcare in Rural ...

    @inproceedings{Mahapatra2015eMahtariI, title={e-Mahtari - Improving Maternal Healthcare in Rural India through Information and Communication Technologies}, author={RadhaKanta Mahapatra and Radha Sahoo}, booktitle={AMCIS}, year={2015
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Gutscheinsystem und Ticketsystem E-GUMA

    Software zum Verkaufen und Verwalten Ihrer Gutscheine und Tickets mit eigenem Online-Shop. E-GUMA ist das Gutschein- und Ticketsystem für die Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Bergbahnen und zahlreiche weitere Branchen.
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