wa iis log in

wa iis log in

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WA IIS-Web Main Page

    The immunization information in the IIS is medically verified and reports generated from the IIS should be treated as medically verified data. The Washington IIS is operated by the Washington State Department of Health within the Office of Immunization and Child Profile.
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WA IIS-Login Page

    Before logging in: Enable your browser to accept cookies. This is required to use the application.; Enable your browser for scripting. This is required to use the ...
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WA IIS-Web Login Page

    <font color="darkblue"><strong><font size="3"> If you have not accessed your user account in the past six months your account may become inactivated.
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Immunization Information System :: Washington State ...

    The Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS) is a lifetime registry that keeps track of immunization records for people of all ages. The system is a secure, web-based tool for healthcare providers and schools. The IIS connects people who receive, administer, record, and …
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IIS Training Materials Portal :: Washington State ...

    This page lists IIS resources alphabetically below. View descriptions of each resource by clicking the details button on the right hand side of each item. If a resource says "with video" in the title, the description also includes a video link. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact [email protected]. Subscribe to the IIS newsletter
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