cabrillo log in

cabrillo log in

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Cabrillo Format & Tutorial - American Radio Relay League
    Use these templates to ensure your log files are correct. If you are working from paper logs, or notepad or a word-processor, you can use these tools by event to generate a Cabrillo Format Log - Go Here . If you already have a complete Cabrillo log, and are ready to file it online, this new Web App is available to upload your Cabrillo Format logs. To read about this new tool Go Here
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Cabrillo Coastal General Insurance
    Please login to access this site. If you do not have a login, please contact us on 1-866-896-7233.
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CQ WPX Contest - Cabrillo Log Format
    Cabrillo refers to a universal log submission format created by Trey Garlough, N5KO. This is the preferred format for all electronic logs. There are two versions of the Cabrillo log file format. The CQ WPX Contest accepts both Cabrillo v2 and v3 format files. One of the major changes from v2 to v3 was in the way categories are specified.
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Cabrillo College - Breakthroughs Happen Here
    Cabrillo is a Hispanic serving institution. Learn more about the expanded educational opportunities for low income and Hispanic students.
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CQ WW - Cabrillo Log Format for the CQ WW DX Contest
    Cabrillo refers to a universal log file format managed by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF). Cabrillo is the preferred format for CQ WW DX Contest logs. There are two versions of the Cabrillo log file format.
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Cabrillo Coastal General Insurance Agency SG – Residential ...
    About Cabrillo Coastal. ... Cabrillo is awesome! Friendly, helpful and efficient. Nicole D, Basic Integrity Insurance. Safe Harbor was the first insurance carrier we represent to close out all of our claims (after Hurricane Matthew). We had a total of 8 losses, until a newly reported loss today.
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