devise user logged in

devise user logged in

Searching for devise user logged in? Use official links below to sign-in to your account.

If there are any problems with devise user logged in, check if password and username is written correctly. Also, you can contact with customer support and ask them for help. If you don't remember you personal data, use button "Forgot Password". If you don't have an account yet, please create a new one by clicking sign up button/link.

Rails Devise: get object of the currently logged in user ...
    Is it possible to get the currently logged in user from within a controllers? Yes it is possible. Use current_<modelname>, where <modelname> is the name of the model that has Devise authentication capabilities (i.e., via rails g devise <modelname>). If, for example, your model is …
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How to Use Devise in Rails for Authentication - Launch School
    This auxiliary table would have a one-to-one relationship with the Devise user table. If you really must add fields to the (Devise generated) user model you must absolutely make sure that Devise’s fields cannot be changed. The means by which you achieve this is different for Rails 4 apps than it is for Rails 3 apps.
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logged in user - Deutsch-Übersetzung – Linguee …
    When a user is created, the logged-in user will automatically become the direct owner (owner) of the new user. W enn ein Benutzer a ng elegt wird, wird d er eingeloggte Be nutzer automatisch zum direkten Verwalter (owner) des neu en Benutzers .
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ruby - Rails devise keep user logged in - Stack Overflow
    I am using a GEM device to authenticate user from Facebook oauth. I use the following to create a user def self.find_for_facebook_oauth(auth, signed_in_resource=nil) user = User.where(:provider ...
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Ruby on Rails / Devise: Determining in model if user is ...
    19.07.2011 · The first is if they are a registered user and logged in via Devise, their comment is flagged with a status of '2' and gets published right away. If they are an anonymous user with a previously approved comment with a matching email address, comment gets status of '1' and gets put into a moderation queue for approval. And if the user is ...
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ruby on rails - Get current user id in devise - Stack Overflow
    How do I Get the current user id in my controller using devise? In my controller I have something like this: def index me = current_user c = User.find(me) @sheets = c.time_sheets end I am getti...
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Office365 Auditing - specifically viewing devices logged ...
    Locate the user you want to investigate and choose the username. On the user page, choose Devices. In the View drop-down list, select Devices and applications from which the user has signed in. This will provide details, such as the version of client used to sign in, and the last sign-in time, IP address, and location of the user.
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ruby on rails - Current_user method using devise - Stack ...
    Current_user method using devise. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 10 months ago. ... Rails Devise: get object of the currently logged in user? 70. Customizing Devise views in Rails. 145. How do I remove the Devise route to sign up? 0. Use current_user in application controller. 619. How to use concerns in Rails 4 . 3. Access devise current_user variable in rails controller. 21. How to access ...
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How to See Other Devices Logged in to Your Google Account
    Feel like you forgot to log out of Gmail on your friend’s computer? Google makes it easy to see all the devices—laptop, phone, tablet, and otherwise—logged into your Google account. You can view both a list of IP addresses that have accessed it, and a list of devices that have actively used your account in …
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