e aushadi log in

e aushadi log in

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    •All Hospitals Are Requested To Submit Your 4th Quarter Demand (Drugs,Surgical & Cts In One Form) By Selecting Quarter Demand For The Year 2019-20.
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Login - e-aushadhi.rajasthan.gov.in

    e-Aushadhi is a web based application which deals with the management of stocks of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses of Rajasthan state. The prime objective of a District Drug Warehouse is to supply drugs to the various medical institutes that are associated with the given district drug ...
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    •IT-CELL Contact No. 9100359664, Kindly Contact us for any queries in e-Aushadhi application.
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e-Aushdhi | Advance Supply Chain Management System

    e-Aushadhi. The e-Aushadhi is a web based application which deals with the management of stock of various drugs, sutures and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses of Maharashtra state. The prime objective of a District Drug Warehouse is to supply drugs to the various medical institutes that are associated with the given ...
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    e-Aushadhi. DVDMS (Drugs and Vaccine Distribution Management System) is a software platform to automate various activities of Directorate General Medical Health, Govt. Of Punjab. It comprises of Drug and Vaccine Supply Chain Management that deals with Purchase Order, Inventory Management & Distribution of various drugs etc. Also it helps for ...
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E-Aushadhi | IT | GMSCL

    E-Aushadhi . E-Aushadhi is a web based supply chain management application deals with Purchase; Inventory Management & Distribution of various drugs, sutures and surgical items to various District Drug Warehouses (DWH) of State, District Hospitals (DH) their sub stores like Community Health Centre (CHC) and Primary Health Centre (PHC) to distribute drugs to patient, the final consumer of the ...
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TSMSIDC : Website

    e-Aushadi. The Corporation has adopted the e-Aushadhi Software for the process of Online Indenting, Distribution & Prescription-Audit of Drugs & Surgicals, from Peripheral to State level. The e-Aushadhi project, deals with the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Drugs and Surgicals; has been live at the CMS level at all the District HQs in the State ...
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eAushadhi Uttarakhand

    e-Aushadhi, for automating the workflow of various process of procurement, management and distribution of various drugs, sutures and surgical required by different warehouses across State.The main aim of e-Aushadhi is to improve the drug warehouse management system and facilitate to provide cost effective essentials drugs to common people by keeping an eye on the flow of drugs, vaccines, other ...
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