echo bloginfo

echo bloginfo

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bloginfo() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources
    It can be used anywhere within a template file. This always prints a result to the browser. If you need the values for use in PHP, use get_bloginfo(). Top ↑ Possible values for $show # Possible values for $show ‘name‘ – Displays the “Site Title” set in Settings > General.
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get_bloginfo() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources
    The comments regarding `get_bloginfo(‘url’)` are misleading. It will *not* necessarily return what is set in Settings > General. The protocol (“http” or “https”) will be determined by the value of `is_ssl()`, which detects if the current request is over SSL or not.
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php - WordPress BlogInfo('Name') - Stack Overflow
    bloginfo() actually seems to return nothing at all, hence why your echo bloginfo('name'); is not working as expected. You can find more information about how bloginfo() …
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Echo Online - Aktuelle Nachrichten und Berichte aus ...
    Onlinedienst der Echo Medien, Darmstädter-Echo. Tagesaktuelle Informationen aus Südhessen, Deutschland und der Welt, Serviceinformationen, Nachrichten, Sport ...
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echo bloginfo('url') oder bloginfo('url')? | …
    Hallo, hoffentlich bin ich hier richtig... ich lerne gerade mit dem Buch von Galileo Computing, wie man Wordpress Themes erstellt. Dazu habe ich eine...
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Natural Remedies for E. Coli | Cultured Palate
    Natural Remedies for E. Coli do exist and can be used effectively against the E. coli bacteria. Natural remedies do work and I will give some options along with warning signs that let you know when medical advice should be sought.
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templates - bloginfo('template_directory') img src ...
    You cannot use bloginfo() while your are outputting using echo because bloginfo it self also out puts string using echo. Below will work for you, you also have extra double quote which i have removed....
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Main-Echo - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus …
    Nachrichten, Veranstaltungen und Termine aus den Regionen Aschaffenburg, Miltenberg, Lohr und Marktheidenfeld, sowie aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet, Bayern und der Welt.
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How to Get Rid of Gallstones Naturally - Cultured Palate
    I am not a medical doctor and do not pretend to give medical advise. But, I do want to share what has worked for me and how to get rid of gallstones naturally. That is, passing gallstones using the following gallbladder cleanse.
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