gdm login script

gdm login script

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Sway - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
    sway (contracted from SirCmpwn's Wayland compositor ) is a compositor for Wayland designed to be fully compatible with i3.According to the official website: . Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3's features, plus a few extras.
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DWM – start up script that works with GDM login manager ...
    DWM – start up script that works with GDM login manager. *** 2011-04-18 Updated with my current dwm config files, see the jg_dwm_conf.tar.gz below. Goal: Be able to exit DWM and get back to the GDM – gnome login manager. To be able to hit MODKEY+SHIFT+Q, exit dwm and get me back to the login manager. Where I can chose another user or window ...
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Getting a script to start after gdm3 starts but BEFORE login
    I'm trying to get a script to run after gdm3 starts but before a user logs in. Reason is the script needs an active monitor, but if there's a power outage, I want the system to boot back to functional when power is restored. I've tried various iterations based on other answers, but none of them seem to be performing the way I need it to.
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How To Change The GDM3 Login Screen ... - Linux Uprising Blog
    To be able to use a GTK theme as your GDM login screen theme, you'll need to make sure the theme is installed in /usr/share/themes and that it contains a gnome-shell subdirectory with a valid GNOME Shell theme (a valid gnome-shell.css file). It's worth noting that gdm-tools is new, and it probably hasn't been widely tested.
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How to run a script after GDM login/logout in RHEL 6 and ...
    How to run a script after GDM login/logout in RHEL 6 and RHEL 7? Environment. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 GDM. Subscriber exclusive content. A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. Current Customers and Partners.
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Configuration - GNOME
    This script is useful for starting programs that should be run while the login screen is showing, or for doing any special initialization if required. After the user has been successfully authenticated GDM will run the PostLogin script. This is done before any session setup has been done, including before the pam_open_session call.
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GitHub - AndreiMaga/GDM3-Login-Background-Changer: Bash ...
    This script was created with snippets of code from ArchWiki. How does it work? It unpacks the /usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource. It adds the new background to the css and xml files contained in the gresource. It compiles the gresource. It makes a backup of the original gresource and replaces it with the newly created one. Usage
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gdm - How to execute command before user login on linux ...
    Add a line `greeter-setup-script=/my/path/to/script` This script will be executed when lightDM shows the login interface. After Login Add a line `session-setup-script=/script/to/start/script` This will run the script as `root` after a user successfully logged in. LXDM Before Login
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How to run a Script as root, after Login as User, in GDM
    I know how to run Scripts as root from the Terminal - thats not the real difficulty - but I want `GDM` to run a Script as `root`, _after_ somebody has Logged in using the Visual Login. In the end, I want something like an "autostart"-file for GDM.
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gnome - Ubuntu 18.04 autostart script with gdm - Ask Ubuntu
    1 Figured it out. Putting the .desktop file under /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart/ will start the program/script when gdm loads the login screen (before actual user login). But this has some strings attached, for instance, dconf-service isn't loaded until the user logs in so libdconf won't be able to read anything.
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