generating log variables in stata

generating log variables in stata

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Create a new variable based on existing data in Stata
    egen avg = rowmean (v1 v2 v3 v4) Stata also lets you take advantage of built-in functions for variable transformations. For example, to take the natural log of v1 and create a new variable (for example, v1_log ), use: gen v1_log = log (v1)
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Generate log transformation of all continuous variables in ...
    You cannot generate a variable that already exists. So append, for example, the prefix l to the new variable names: gen l`v'. You are missing the quotes in log (`v'). Try something more like clear all set more off sysuse auto ds, has (type numeric) quietly foreach v of varlist `r (varlist)' { gen l`v' = log (`v') }
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In the spotlight: Interpreting models for log ... - Stata
    Let's create a new variable for the natural logarithm of wage . . generate lnwage = ln (wage) We can fit a regression model for our transformed variable including grade, tenure, and the square of tenure. Note that I have used Stata's factor-variable notation to include tenure and the square of tenure.
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How do I write log(First Diff(Variable) in STATA - Statalist
    Nick makes a very good point. It is indeed often desired to compute so-called "log-differences". This is not the same as the log of the differences but would rather be the difference of the logs, which approximately equals the growth rate of a variable:
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PDF Creating new variables - Stata
    6[GSW] 11 Creating new variables generate with string variables Stata is smart. When you generate a variable and the expression evaluates to a string, Stata creates a string variable with a storage type as long as necessary, and no longer than that. where is a str1 in the following example: . list make foreign make foreign 1. VW Rabbit foreign 2.
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Stata: Using generate to create new variables ...
    The primary method for creating new variables in Stata is the generate command. Load the auto dataset. clear sysuse auto describe Results-auto.dta_1.jpg New Variable from Existing Variables Let's create a new variable that is the sum of weight and length (ignore for the moment that summing weights and lengths doesn't make a ton of sense).…
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Stata for Students: Creating Variables and Labels
    log close Generate and Replace You create a new variable in Stata using the generate command, usually abbreviated gen. You can change the value of an existing variable using replace. Since replace can destroy data, it has no abbreviation. The basic syntax is the same for both commands: gen variable = something replace variable = something
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Re: st: creating log normal variables in STATA
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Creating and recoding variables | Stata Learning Modules
    Let's use the generate command to make a new variable that has the length in feet instead of inches, called len_ft. generate len_ft = length / 12 We should emphasize that generate is for creating a new variable. For an existing variable, you need to use the replace command (not generate ).
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Re: st: Log Transformation of Variable - Stata
    If I am understanding what it is you are trying to do, you would want to do something like the following: If y is the variable you would like to transform, gen neg_log_y = -log (y) gen neg_exp_y = -exp (y) gen transformed_y = neg_log_y + neg_exp_y Hope this helps.
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Stata | FAQ: Stata 5: Creating lagged variables
    Create lag (or lead) variables using subscripts. . gen lag1 = x [_n-1] . gen lag2 = x [_n-2] . gen lead1 = x [_n+1] You can create lag (or lead) variables for different subgroups using the by prefix. For example, . sort state year . by state: gen lag1 = x [_n-1]
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Introduction to Stata: Creating and Changing Variables
    The primary commands for creating and changing variables are generate (usually abbreviated gen) and replace (which, like other commands that can destroy information, has no abbreviation). gen creates new variables; replace changes the values of existing variables. Their core syntax is identical: gen variable = expression or
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Stata tip: creating a local containing all (or almost all ...
    Stata tip: creating a local containing all (or almost all) variables of the data set. Locals containing a list of variables can be very useful when using Stata. A common need is a local containing all variables of a data set. This local can be created by means of the ds command. Here is an example using the lifeexp.dta data file. Now, let's ...
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The Stata Blog » How to generate random numbers in Stata
    Every time Stata is launched, the seed is set to 123456789. After generating random numbers, the RNG wraps around and starts generating the same sequence all over again. is called the period of the RNG. Larger periods are better because we get more random numbers before the sequence wraps. The period of Mersenne Twister is , which is huge.
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How to Generate Dummy Variables in Stata | The Data Hall
    Two-Step Method to Generate Dummy Variable in Stata: Step 1: generate rep2 = 1 if rep78==2. This command generates a new variable named 'rep2' which takes on the value of 1 only for observations where rep78 is equal to 2. Where rep78 equals 1, 3, 4, 5, rep2 will be populated with missing values (.).
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Generating sums of variables with loops in Stata - Stack ...
    Here is an example of syntax that I used: forvalues j=1/50 { replace x1 = sum (houses) if village== j' & year==2010 } gen x2=. forvalues j=1/50 { replace x2 = sum (houses) if village== j' & year==2011 } gen x3 =. forvalues j=1/50 { replace x3 = sum (houses) if village== j' & year==2012 } This is from a dataset with more than 4000 observations.
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Generating a new variable in STATA | Statistics Help ...
    I've been asked to generate a new variable, a dummy variable, using two already created dummy variables. I know how to generate simple stuff like for instance: if I wanted to create age-squared I'd just take the variable age and type into STATA gen age2 = Age^2. But generating this dummy variable is proving difficult.
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stata - Generating a composite date variable - Stack Overflow
    I want to generate a variable month that has the month and year together as 2013M01. Below is a sample of my data: clear input expected_arrival_month year 1 2013 2 2014 3 2015 4 2016 5 2017 6 2018 end. I tried the following command: generate month = . replace month = 2013M01 if expected_arrival_month == 1 & year == 2013.
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PDF STATA 6.0/7.0 Quick Reference for Routines Used in PA 818
    Generating New Variables To generate new variables use the generate command (or gen). Example: To create a variable that I'll name "lncost", the natural log of a variable called "cost": generate lcows=ln(cows) or alternatively gen lncost=ln(cost) Editing Variables To edit the value of a variable, use the replace command.
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Generate new variable stata - Summarized by ...
    Generating variables in Stata is straightforward, particularly if you want to create a new variable from an already existing one. Researchers often produce new variables that are copies of a current one in case they need to update or recode the data, while still keeping the original data so it is not lost.
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