history of logging in bc

history of logging in bc

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History of Commercial Logging – British Columbia in a ...

    History of Commercial Logging Commercial logging in British Columbia dates back to the 1820s when timber was predominantly used for masts on ships. By the 1860s, export production increased with the establishment of many saw mills on the southern end of Vancouver Island and the Burrard Inlet.
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History of the Forestry Industry in British Columbia

    It was amended in 1979 to ensure that BC forests were logged in a manner that gave the best return to government and to society by establishing an “allowable annual cut,” or AAC. The AAC determines the maximum that a logging company can log, but also says that the logging company is . required. to log close to that amount.
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BC Logging History 2 - YouTube

    04/02/2010 · how it was.BC logging history film ... Most Falling Biggest Tree Cut Down Dangerous Easy, Fastest Skills Operator Felling Tree Techniques - Duration: 13:16.

The Evolution Of West Coast Logging | Legion Magazine

    The Evolution Of West Coast Logging ... people who are involved in debates over reforestation and clear-cut logging have little use for the industry’s history. ... for the province’s timber industry. Industry giants such as MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Crown Zellerbach, BC Forest Products and Rayonier came to dominate the industry.
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624 Best BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGGING HISTORY images in 2019 ...

    26 Apr 2019 - Explore jft43's board "BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGGING HISTORY", followed by 198 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about British columbia, History and Logging equipment.
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