ia oversize permits log in

ia oversize permits log in

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IAPS - Login

    This site issues permits for oversize and overweight vehicles along state owned routes only. This includes Interstate, US, & IA routes. Permits for local or city routes should be obtained from those respective agencies. An oversize permit shall not be valid during the nighttime hours of sunset to sunrise unless authorized for continuous movement.
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Iowa DOT - Motor Vehicle Division

    Order permits online. Get permits for oversize and overweight vehicles along state owned routes only. This includes Interstate, US, & IA routes. Permits for local or city routes should be obtained from those respective agencies.
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IAPS - GotPermits.com

    Unable to log you into the system because of the following: Invalid Hauler ID. Hauler ID is required. Name is required. Address is required. City is required.
    Status:Page Online

Oversize/Overweight Load Permits, Regulations & Fees …

    Instant quotes, online permits and detailed information about Oversize/Overweight/Heavy Haul/Wide Load regulations, route survey, escorts and superloads by state, with a single click of a button.
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MnDOT Oversize/Overweight Permit System

    Log In To login, key in permit number and license number and then click Log In button.
    Status:Page Online

ITAP - Log On

    Log On For an optimal experience, ITAP recommends using an up-to-date modern browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari). This Application must have Javascript enabled.
    Status:Page Online

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