in and around mileage log army

in and around mileage log army

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In and Around Mileage Statement I
    According to the JFTR; chapter U3510, I understand that I am entitled to in and around mileage for travel between lodging and the duty site, between duty sites, ...
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Local Travel in/around PDS/TDY Area
    Apr 7, 2022 — Local Travel in and around PDS or TDY Area Frequently Asked Questions ... 3. If a traveler drives a POV, how is local mileage calculated?
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How To Claim Mileage When You Drive Your Personal Vehicle
    g) Enter any remaining mileage (e.g., driving your personal vehicle in/around the Jacksonville area) as separate expenses, then continue through the usual ...
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Mileage Rates
    A mileage allowance for using a privately owned vehicle (POV) for local, TDY, and PCS travel is reimbursed as a rate per mile in lieu of reimbursement of ...
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How to Calculate Local POV Mileage (For Distribution
    You can claim all 22 miles as in-and-around mileage – but be sure to claim it as a separate mileage expense. That's a lot of information, we realize – so let's ...
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