itax portal file returns

itax portal file returns

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KRA iTax portal: How to register for a PIN and file tax ...
    5.8.2019 · This portal allows people to access all KRA services such as PIN registration, filing returns and provides information on how to update KRA PIN, among other things. All individuals above the age of 18 years are required by law to file their returns annually in …
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How to File Nil and PAYE KRA Returns on iTax -
    11.4.2022 · How to File Nil Returns Online. To file nil returns, all you need is your copy of the KRA PIN certificate and an account on KRA's iTax website. 1. First, click on and log in. 2. Key in your user Identification Card or KRA Pin. After you insert the KRA Pin, click on the continue button below it. 3.
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Kenya Revenue Authority
    Times Tower, Haile Selassie Avenue, P.O.Box 48240 - 00100 GPO Nairobi Tel: 020-310300, 020-281000 Fax: 341342 Call Center details Tel:020-4999999,020-4998000 Cell:0711-099999 Email: [email protected]
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How To File KRA Nil Returns In 2022 -
    16.1.2022 · READ ALSO: How To File KRA Nil Returns Using KRA iTax Portal. Don’t wait for the last minute rush, file your KRA Nil Returns quickly and easily today if you don’t have any source of income. In this article, I am going to share with your the process of Filing Nil Returns on KRA iTax Portal in 2022.
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iTax Login Portal - | Explore the Best of ...
    9.4.2022 · iTax is a system that has been developed by KRA to replace the current KRA Online system. iTax allows one to update their tax registration details, file tax returns using Microsoft Excel or Open Office, register all tax payments and make status enquiries with real-time monitoring of their ledger/account.
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How To Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate Using KRA iTax Web Portal
    13.8.2020 · If you have forgotten and need to Retrieve your KRA PIN Certificate quickly and easily, then this article will be of great benefit to the KRA PIN Retrieval request that you want done. First and foremost, we need to understand what we mean by the term KRA PIN Retrieval as this is the main focus of this article.. We need to look at PIN Retrieval in relation to KRA iTax …
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How to file withholding tax returns in Kenya (and current ...
    10.6.2021 · With this comprehensive piece on how to file withholding tax returns in Kenya, you should file your returns, make payments, and generate the certificate with ease. It is always advisable to make timely withholding tax returns to avoid …
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What is TallyPrime? – An Overview | Tally Solutions
    27.10.2021 · iTax in Kenya. iTax in Kenya, KRA VAT Return, How to Make KRA iTax Payment, How to Register for KRA PIN in iTax Portal, How to File VAT Returns in iTax Portal, How to File KRA iTax Returns Online in Kenya, KRA iTax Returns & Types of KRA Returns Forms, 5 Things you can do from your KRA iTAX Portal, Compliance in Kenya
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Best PAYE Tax Calculator for Kenya - Wingubox
    A special Microsoft Excel File dabbed iTax P10 file is used to compile all employee payroll data into a single uploadeable zip file. See our iTax P10 how-to guide on how to fill this in. PAYE returns deadline for a given month is the 9th day of the following month. Late payments attract a penalty fine of KES 10,000 (USD 100) charged to the ...
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