kasper report log in kentucky

kasper report log in kentucky

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Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting ...

    Reporting data to KASPER requires establishing and account via the Cabinet single sign-on system, Kentucky Online Gateway, then registering as an uploader in the KASPER Data Collection System. Please refer to KASPER Controlled Substance Reporting Guide for information on how to register and report data to KASPER.
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    6/17/2008 · Only dispensers administering or dispensing controlled substance prescriptions in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are required to report to the KASPER program. The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy licenses mail order pharmacies and they are required to report controlled substances they dispense into Kentucky. Top of Page
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KASPER Controlled Substance Reporting Guide

    KASPER Data Reporting website for account registration. 2. Click on Get Started, which will take you to the Kentucky Online Gateway page. 3. When you get here: a. If you already have a Kentucky Online Gateway account, enter your Username and Password on the left and click Log In, then skip to Step 9. b.
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KASPER Data Collection System

    N O T I C E. This system is used by prescribers and dispensers to meet their requirement to report Schedule II through V controlled substances that are administered or dispensed to patients in Kentucky, to the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER).
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Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting ...

    What is KASPER? The Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER) tracks controlled substance prescriptions dispensed within the state. A KASPER report shows all scheduled prescriptions for an individual over a specified time period, the prescriber and the dispenser. Enhanced KASPER (eKASPER) provides Web-based access ...
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KASPER Tips: KASPER Record Correction Mike Noel and Russ ...

    KASPER Tips: KASPER Record Correction Mike Noel and Russ Robbins Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services This Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) tip provides guidance to prescribers and dispensers who report …
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    Quarterly reports from the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER) are listed below. Click on the title of each report to view the report. KASPER Quarterly Threshold Report - Fourth Quarter 2017
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CASPER Reporting Provider User Guide

    pages vary depending upon the specific report requested and the level of access assigned to you. Refer to the individual report descriptions in subsequent sections of the CASPER Reporting HHA Provider User’s Guide for report -specific criteria. Following a report …
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