marc cataloging

marc cataloging

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MARC STANDARDS (Network Development and MARC Standards ...
    The MARC formats are standards for the representation and communication of bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form.
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MARC standards - Wikipedia
    MARC (Machine-readable cataloging) standards are a set of digital formats for the description of items catalogued by libraries, such as books. Working with the Library of Congress, American computer scientist Henriette Avram developed MARC in the 1960s to create records that could be read by computers and shared among libraries. By 1971, MARC ...
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Format MARC — Wikipédia
    Le format MARC (acronyme de MAchine-Readable Cataloging) est un format d’échange de données bibliographiques informatisées des catalogues de bibliothèques, finalisé en 1968. Un format MARC désigne aussi bien un format appartenant à la famille des nombreuses variantes déclinées à partir du format MARC original.
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MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: Table of Contents ...
    Changes to the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data that resulted from Update No. 28 (May 2019) are displayed in red print. The date located in the header of the full version of each field indicates the last month and year of update.
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marc ::: cataloging - YouTube
    21/08/2007 · a little movie I made for a workshop about marc, cataloging and libraries. Hopefully, it shows the importance of cataloging and how metadata (in MARC format) makes materials accessible.

Marc — Wikipédia
    MARC (acronyme de MAchine-Readable Cataloging) désigne un format de données permettant d'informatiser les catalogues de bibliothèques. MARC (Mailing List ARChive) est une archive de listes de diffusion; MARC, Mouvement d'action et de recherche critique est un syndicat étudiant français disparu
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Cataloging Basics - YouTube
    12/07/2018 · This 2-hour webinar was recorded on September 22, 2015. More videos at: Cataloging Basics explains the fundamental cataloging concepts and …

Cataloging - Wikipedia
    In library and information science, cataloguing is the process of creating metadata representing information resources, such as books, sound recordings, moving images, etc. Cataloging provides information such as creator names, titles, and subject terms that describe resources, typically through the creation of bibliographic records.
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3 Special Cataloging Guidelines -
    The provider-neutral cataloging model results in a single bibliographic record to describe all instances of the same manifestation of an online resource, a photocopy, or a print-on-demand reproduction regardless of which content publisher, aggregator, or provider has made the manifestation available
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