mbsaqip portal student

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Bariatric Surgery - American College of Surgeons

    A bariatric surgical center achieves accreditation following a rigorous review process during which it proves that it can maintain certain physical resources, human resources, and standards of practice. All accredited centers report their outcomes to the MBSAQIP database. MBSAQIP Quality Portal Navigating the MBSAQIP Quality Portal MBSAQIP Registry
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Apply - American College of Surgeons

    Apply Apply Now Initial Applicants for Accreditation New centers seeking designation as a MBSAQIP-Accredited Center can apply using the MBSAQIP Quality Portal link above. It is required that all new centers submit an application before gaining access to the Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ).
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Resources - American College of Surgeons

    MBSAQIP Site Visit Agenda · Virtual Site Visits- The New Normal of MBSAQIP ... MBSAQIP Custom Fields Manual—access via MBSAQIP Resource Portal (login ...
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MBSAQIP Participant Use Data File (PUF) - American College ...

    It is part of the mission of the MBSAQIP to make this data available to all participants to improve the power and reliability of clinical research and further propel innovation in the field of metabolic and bariatric surgery. The data files are made available in a delimited text, SAS, and SPSS file type.
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About - American College of Surgeons

    The American College of Surgeons (ACS) was founded in 1913 with the goal of improving surgical care and setting standards, and the current Joint Commission (JCAHO) grew out of the ACS Hospital Standards Committee in 1951. The ACS has been accrediting trauma programs through the Trauma Verification Program since 1987 and cancer programs through ...
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MBSAQIP - American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

    MBSAQIP. On April 1, 2012, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the American Society for Metabolic and the Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) combined their respective national bariatric surgery accreditation programs into a single unified program to achieve one national accreditation standard for bariatric surgery centers, the Metabolic and ...
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ASK MBSAQIP - American College of Surgeons

    Ask MBSAQIP is a monthly, informal webinar series where we invite you to ask staff and surgeon experts questions about participation in the MBSAQIP.
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Standards Manual - American College of Surgeons

    The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) is pleased to present the revised version of our program ...
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Ask MBSAQIP - acs-test-web5.facs.org

    You are invited to attend Ask MBSAQIP. What: An informal, monthly webinar series where we invite you to ask Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) staff and surgeon experts anything you want to know about participation in the MBSAQIP. Who: Webinars are open to the public.Current and prospective MBSAQIP participants are encouraged to attend ...
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Raising the Standard: Use of the MBSAQIP Participant Use ...

    Written educational resources are provided through the MBSAQIP Resource Portal. All metabolic and bariatric surgical procedures and interventions performed by ANY provider in the accredited center must be entered into the MBSAQIP Registry. Cases are excluded if their procedures are done for cancer, trauma or if the patient is under 10 years of age.
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MBSAQIP News - American College of Surgeons

    Keep up to date on the latest news from the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program.
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MBSAQIP News - Shift7 Digital

    American College of Surgeons 633 N Saint Clair Street Chicago, IL 60611-3295. Toll free: 800-621-4111 (P) 312-202-5000 (F) 312-202-5001 (E) [email protected]
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Patient-Reported Outcomes - American College of Surgeons

    The MBSAQIP Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Program surveys patients at following a procedure to track patient outcomes.
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Bariatric Surgical Risk/Benefit Calculator

    The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) surgical risk/benefit calculator provides metabolic and bariatric surgeons and their patients with accurate, patient-specific information to guide surgical decision making and informed consent.
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Participant Use Request Form - American College of Surgeons

    Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program ... or use the data in the ACS MBSAQIP Participant Use Data File (“PUF”) must ...
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