myportal rccd

myportal rccd

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MyPortal is Here - RCCD
    The Riverside Community College District has launched, MyPorta l, the new innovative web service where you can access online college services anytime. MyPortal gives students, faculty and staff access to college services, such as registration, grade reports, financial aid status, distance education courses and student emails as well an avenue to communicate with instructors.
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RCCD - WebAdvisor Main Menu
    1098Ts FOR 2021 will be mailed (USPS) to students and will not be available electronically (WebAdvisor/MyPortal) as in past years. To ensure timely delivery, please go to Personal Profile (under the Personal Information section) in WebAdvisor or MyPortal and make sure your address is correct. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES LITE for 22WIN & 22SPR : Click Here
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RCCD Transcripts -
    The RCCD transcript includes coursework completed at Riverside City College, Norco College and Moreno Valley College. Official student transcripts may be requested on MyPortal/WebAdvisor at , and in person at the Admissions and Records office.
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RCCD Email System - Moreno Valley College
    All student email addresses end with the domain. Use your full email and password to login. Log in to your email → Log in to the single sign-on portal → New Learn how to sign into services like Canvas with your student email (video) � ...
    Status:Page Online

Class Schedule and Academic Calendar - Moreno Valley College
    The Class Schedule lists a term's available classes and includes class descriptions, the time, instruction location or style and the starting and ending dates for each course. For the most up to date information on add, drop and refund dates log into MyPortal.
    Status:Page Online

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