netapp igroup not logged in

netapp igroup not logged in

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LUNs not visible on the host - NetApp
    You should verify that you are using the correct initiator node names in the igroup configuration. On the host, you can use the initiator tools and commands to display the initiator node name. The initiator node names configured in the igroup and on the host must match. LUN mappings : You should verify that the LUNs are mapped to an igroup. On ...
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vserver fcp ping-igroup show - NetApp
    [-igroup <text>] - Igroup Name Use this parameter to select the FCP initiators that belong to the specified igroup and FCP LIFs that belong to the portset that is bound to the igroup. If the igroup is not bound to a portset, then the default portset (all FCP LIFs in the Vserver), is used. [-wwpn <text>] - …
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igroup management - NetApp
    igroup management. To manage your initiator groups (igroups), you can perform a range of tasks, including creating igroups, destroying them, and renaming them.
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lun igroup show - NetApp Documentation
    Description This command displays status information for initiator groups (igroup). By default, the command displays status for all initiator groups.
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Solved: fcp initiator group (not logged in) - NetApp Community
    Solved: Hello, Recently I have added an fcp initiator (wwpn) to an exisiting igroup. after adding , I do not see it as "logged in".. The
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What does 'vtic' mean in the output of the igroup ... - NetApp
    If the host does not appear to be logged into the vtic and is showing as logged into target ports on both nodes of the HA pair then it means the host has not performed any I/O to a LUN through the non-optimized partner path. This is not an indication of an issue and might be safely ignored. Example: node1> igroup show -v Filer01 sanboot-b9rtp8 ...
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What does the order of listed target ports mean ... - NetApp
    In some cases, an initiator may continue to be shown as logged in when it is not. This occurs in situations where the initiator does not perform a Port Logout with the target port, such as being powered off or disconnected from the fibre channel fabric. This is a normal situation and does not cause any problems for the initiator when it ...
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Initiators not logging in to FAS2050 - NetApp Community
    I have a very similar issue on my system, albeit with a slight extra layer of complexity. I'm running a FAS2040 A/A (8.0.1 RC2 7-Mode) with 2 x DS4243 shelves running 24 x 450GB SAS dries each.I also have a SATA shelf hanging off this system.
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Presenting a LUN over Fibre Channel from a NetApp FAS 3240 ...
    RAID4 uses one parity disk to ensure data recoverability if one disk within the RAID group fails. RAID0 does not use any parity disks; it does not provide data recoverability if any disks within the RAID group fail. RAID-DP is an equivilant of a regular RAID 6 but with special NetApp functionality. ONTAP Volumes
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