ocfs scr log in

ocfs scr log in

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NY.gov ID Login

    TARGET not set in URL. Please contact your agency for correct URL.
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SCR Online Clearance System | OCFS

    SCR Online Clearance System. The New York State Office of Children and Family Services’ web-based “Online Clearance System” supports the mandate under Section 424-a of the Social Services Law for legally authorized agencies to inquire of the Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) as to the existence of any indicated reports of child abuse and maltreatment ...
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NY.gov ID Login

    Please login after reading the Acceptable Use Policy below. NY.gov ID. Username:
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Forms | Child Care | OCFS

    258 แถว · Plugins and Viewers. These documents include PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint …
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    - All signatures must be dated (mm/dd/yy). The SCR will not accept a form with a signature date more than 6 months old If you have questions regarding proper completion of this form, please call the SCR at 518-474-5297. MAIL YOUR COMPLETED LDSS-3370 FORM TO: TO ORDER A SUPPLY OF LDSS-3370 FORMS: STATEWIDE CENTRAL REGISTER P.O. BOX 4480
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Instructions for Completing the State Central Register ...

    Please note that all applicants must provide their complete addresses which they have resided for the last 28 YEARS. It is extremely important that all information on the form can be easily read, so that data entry and results are accurate. Each SCR Database Check submitted should be reviewed for completeness and legibility by the camp program.
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Statewide Central Register of Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR ...

    OCFS must clear applicants to be providers of family or group family day care, assistants to such providers, and persons age 18 or older who reside in homes where family or group family day care will be provided. These clearance requests are submitted by OCFS Regional Office staff to the SCR.
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Office of Children and Family Services | The State of New York

    OCFS is dedicated to improving the integration of services for New York's children, youth, families, and vulnerable populations, promoting their development, and protecting them from violence, neglect, abuse and abandonment.
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Criminal Background Check (CBC) Process | Justice Center ...

    Certain providers under Justice Center jurisdiction must also check the Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR), operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). Providers should contact OCFS for information.
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