ohsu portal citrix access

ohsu portal citrix access

Searching for ohsu portal citrix access? Use official links below to sign-in to your account.

If there are any problems with ohsu portal citrix access, check if password and username is written correctly. Also, you can contact with customer support and ask them for help. If you don't remember you personal data, use button "Forgot Password". If you don't have an account yet, please create a new one by clicking sign up button/link.

Off-network access to Bridge (SharePoint) | OHSU

    Off-network access to Bridge (SharePoint) To access Bridge externally you must have an OHSU account and either use a VPN connection or login to Citrix. To access Bridge via Citrix Remote Access, first login to Citrix. Then, launch a Citrix web browser. From the O2 page, click on the Bridge link under shortcuts on the left hand side of O2.
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PDF Downloading Citrix and Accessing Epic SOM Environment - OHSU

    1. For access to Epic Train via your laptop, you must access OHSU's network remotely, via the Citrix Receiver. 2. You will not be able to access Epic Train via the OHSU O2 intranet. 3. Epic Train will not be an icon pushed to any OHSU networked workstations in the clinics or hospitals. 4.
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PDF Downloading Citrix and Accessing Epic SOM Environment

    1. Login using your OHSU username and password. 2. You will need Duo Mobile installed on your cell phone in order to access the site. Find instructions for Duo Mobile as referenced above. 3. Once you've logged in, you will see some OHSU Applications. 4. If you don't see Epic SOM in your Favorites tab, try the Apps tab.
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Internal Portal | OHSU

    OHSU offers COVID-19 vaccinations for ages 5+ and booster shots for ages 12+, at no cost to you. ... Internal Portal For more information please go to: OHSU Jobs Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education ...
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DOCX OHSU | Healing Begins with Discovery

    open the Citrix Receiver Launcher or click "Use Light Version" to open in your browser with less features. Choose and c. lick on the browser . icon . you would like to use (Internet Explorer 11, Firefox ESR, or Chrome). Once the browser opens, type or paste the URL you would like to access. Note: If the link was sent to you in an email, in ...
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OHSU Connect for Health Care Providers | Health Care | OHSU

    Through OHSU Connect, you'll have real-time access to: Lab results, imaging reports, progress notes, discharges summaries, and other medical documentation E-mail notification of select patient activity (e.g., ED visits, abnormal lab results, admissions) Secure e-mail messaging with OHSU medical staff Get connected today
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Login - OHSU

    For the best experience, please use Firefox or Chrome to access the eIRB system. The eIRB was updated on February 14, 2022. Following are key changes to the system that impact study teams: New requirement for all drugs to specify drug, biologic, or food, even if no changes to drug.
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Nursing Portal | OHSU

    OHSU offers COVID-19 vaccinations for ages 5+ and booster shots for ages 12+, at no cost to you. ... Nursing Portal For more information please go to: OHSU Jobs Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education ...
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Unsupported Web Browser

    In order to use OHSU Connect, you must use one of the following platforms: Microsoft® Windows® Google Chrome ™ version 50 or above Microsoft Edge version 79 or above Microsoft Internet Explorer ® version 11 Mozilla Firefox ™ version 45 or above Mac OS® X Apple Safari ™ version 14 or above Google Chrome ™ version 50 or above
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VA Remote Access Information | DigitalVA

    VA Remote Access Information A resource for employees to connect remotely using Cisco AnyConnect VPN (also referred to as RESCUE) or the Citrix Access Gateway (CAG). If you are experiencing problems connecting, please contact the Enterprise Service Desk at 855-673-4357 (TTY: 1-844-224-6186). Citrix Access Gateway (CAG)
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Citrix Gateway

    rdx.page_auto_refresh_off. Logoff is successful.
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Logout - OHSU

    Logout. Your OHSU Connect session has been closed. ASP session timed out. Start a new OHSU Connect session.
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EZproxy Overview - EZproxy for Off-Campus Access ...

    To connect to EZproxy for off campus access: Go to the Library homepage at www.ohsu.edu/library Use the LibrarySearch link at the top blue navigation bar to search for a particular journal/article/resource and click on the access link from the catalogs. OR click on any links to any database/resource available under Popular Resources.
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ConnectWise Control Remote Support Software - OHSU

    Welcome. Welcome to our online remote support and collaboration portal. The following options allow you to connect to a session. Join.
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