richer picture login ponaganset

richer picture login ponaganset

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Richer Picture®
    Richer Picture® is a provider of assessment and tracking tools for students, teachers, and administrators. These tools include digital portfolios or eportfolios, curriculum mapping, SSPs, project based learning, rubric creator, school accreditation support, data dashboard, professional development delivered through online or on-site, and system customization tailored to the school needs.
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Richer Picture® - Webinar Archive Login
    Wed., Apr 26, 2017. Description: Digital Badges are an exciting way for students to show their progress and for schools to implement competency-based teaching and learning. In this webinar, you will learn about the essential questions for successful implementation: How do we define our badges and our competencies?
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    Feel free to upload files in text, audio, streaming media, pictures, animation video, or any software-specific format. Richer Picture® works on anything that connects to the Internet, from your desktop to your mobile devices. New Samples coming soon! Middle School Elementary Students collect, select and reflect on their best work over time.
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School Stories - Richer Picture
    Richer Picture started planning digital portfolio implementation with Ponaganset High School in 2002 as a pilot process with a few classrooms, and then expanding until all teachers and students were involved. The class of 2007 was the first to graduate using digital portfolios to demonstrate their readiness to graduate.
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Ideas Consulting
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