rlogin command

rlogin command

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Linux rlogin command help and examples - Computer Hope

    5/4/2019 · Linux rlogin command help and information with rlogin examples, syntax, related commands, and how to use the rlogin command from the command line.
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rlogin Command - IBM

    The /usr/bin/rlogin command logs into a specified remote host and connects your local terminal to the remote host. The remote terminal type is the same as that given in the TERM local environment variable. The terminal or window size is also the same, if the remote host supports them, and any changes in size are transferred. ...
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rlogin - Unix, Linux Command - Tutorialspoint

    Rlogin starts a terminal session on a remote host host. -e The -e option allows user specification of the escape character, which is ‘‘~’’ by default. This specification may be as a literal character, or as an octal value in the form \nnn. A line of the form ‘‘<escape char ...
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rlogin - the legacy remote login tool

    rlogin. The rlogin (remote login) program was a tool for remotely using a computer over a network. It could be used to get a command-line on a remote computer. It has since been superceded by ssh.Everyone who still has rlogin enabled is encouraged to immediately disable it for important security reasons.. The rlogin tool was introduced in BSD Unix in the 1980s.
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Linux rsh command help and examples - Computer Hope

    5/4/2019 · If you omit command, then instead of executing a single command, you will be logged in on the remote host using rlogin.. Shell metacharacters that are not quoted are interpreted on the local machine, while quoted metacharacters are interpreted on the remote machine. For example, the following command: rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile. appends the remote file remotefile to the local ...
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rlogind Daemon

    The /usr/sbin/rlogind daemon is the server for the rlogin remote login command. The server provides a remote login facility. Changes to the rlogind daemon can be made using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) or System Resource Controller (SRC), by editing the /etc/inetd.conf or …
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rlogin -- remote login

    Again, it is named as such, because from the point of view of the service (or daemon), the server is the local machine. This is either the user name that you are currently logged in as (minus any domain information if you are a domain user) or the user name explicitly entered on the rlogin command line. When using rlogin. a line of the form
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What is rlogin (remote login)? - Definition from WhatIs.com

    4/1/2005 · Rlogin (remote login) is a UNIX command that allows an authorized user to login to other UNIX machines ( host s) on a network and to interact as if the user were physically at the host computer. Once logged in to the host, the user can do anything that the host has given permission for, such as read, edit, or delete files.
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