sbin nologin meaning

sbin nologin meaning

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shell - What's the difference between /sbin/nologin …
    On linux, /sbin/nologin comes from the util-linux project, while /bin/false is part of GNU Coreutils. They serve different roles, and nologin has the option of printing a message for people who have it as their shell who are logging in.
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linux - What is the difference between /sbin/nologin …
    I see from the man page that /sbin/nologin prints a message to the user saying the account is disabled, and then exits. Presumably /bin/false would not print anything. I also see that /sbin/nologin is listed in /etc/shells, while /bin/false is not.
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Howto: Linux shell restricting access - nixCraft
    8-2-2006 · /sbin/nologin Example (a) First make sure nologin exists in /etc/shells file (else service such as ftp may not allow login) # less /etc/shells If nologin shell does not exist in above shell list, just add /sbin/nologin shell to it:
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Why do some system users have /usr/bin/false as …
    Why do some system users have /usr/bin/false as their shell and what does that mean? Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, ... Some users have /usr/bin/false, others have /sbin/nologin or even /usr/bin/passwd.
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Linux and Unix no login shells: /bin/false vs …
    21-6-2012 · The /sbin/nologin for Fedora and /usr/sbin/nologin for Debian are two shells that return you a polite message like “this account is not available” and do not allow you to log into the system. This message can be customized. /bin/false is an old shell used to deny a user’s login. The /bin/false
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security - nologin in /etc/shells is dangerous.. WHY ...
    So by putting nologin in /etc/shells you effectively say "any user that has nologin as its shell is considered a full, unrestricted user". That's almost certainly the exact opposite of what nologin was meant to say.
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What is the difference between bin/sh, bin/bash, …
    What is the difference between bin/sh, bin/bash, sbin/nologin, bin/tcsh, etc? ... What is the difference between these options? Which option should I choose? ... with the exception that /sbin/nologin will deny shell access completely. – Wug Jul 13 '12 at 18:22.
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How to Block or Disable Normal User Logins in Linux
    27-1-2014 · How to Block User Logins Using nologin Shell. This method works a little differently: it only blocks a user from accessing a shell. But he or she can log on to the system via programs such as ftp that do not necessarily require a shell for the user to connect to a system.
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/sbin directory definition, by The Linux Information ...
    /sbin is a standard subdirectory of the root directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that contains executable (i.e., ready to run) programs. They are mostly administrative tools, that should be made available only to the root (i.e., administrative) user.
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