unable to log into dts

unable to log into dts

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Instructions for Resolving DTS Log in Issues

    Version 1, 5/18/10 Document compiled by The Defense Travel Management Office 1 Instructions for Resolving DTS Log in Issues . If you are encountering issues logging in to …
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Defense Travel System

    Defense Travel System System Status: DTS status is currently Operational DTS. DTS is Operational Updated: 12/31/2019. ... Log In. Activate account. It looks like this is your first time logging into DTS. Your user account needs to be activated before you can create travel documents.
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Unable to log you into DTS, please contact your DTS ...

    Unable to log you into DTS, please contact your DTS Administrator
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JAVA Issue with DTS Logins - Common Access Card

    Users are unable to log in into DTS. The browser is not proceeding during the login at the “Reading Credentials” or “Processing Login” screen. The web browser uses Oracle’s Java software to launch the Gradkell Systems Universal WebSigner JAVA applet, which enables your Common Access Card (CAC) to access DTS. The
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Can't connect to DTS - Thursby Software Forum

    22/10/2013 · If you are using Chrome to try to access DTS then this the entirety of your problem. Java does not support Chrome because it is not a 64 bit browser. You must use Safari in order to access DTS. If you continue to have trouble, please contact Support by emailing [email protected]. Michael
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    Chapter 2: Logging in to DTS Page 2-2 DTS Release, DTA Manual, Version 4.4.19, Updated 12/20/08 This document is controlled and maintained on the www.defensetravel.dod.mil Website.
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Integration Services (SSIS) Logging - SQL Server ...

    The log provider specifies the format for the log data: for example, a SQL Server database or text file. Integration Services includes the following log providers: The Text File log provider, which writes log entries to ASCII text files in a comma-separated value (CSV) format. The default file name extension for this provider is .log.
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Using DTS from home? : army - reddit

    Using DTS from home? I went TDY over a month ago, and my DTS voucher keeps getting kicked back. It's a real pain in the ass, and it was quite an expensive trip that I can't afford to pay back out of pocket.
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MilitaryCAC's Common Problems and Solutions for CAC ...

    Solution 1-2: If you have an SCR-331 CAC Reader and using Vista, Windows 7, or 8, and are still having problems getting the reader to be recognized by ActivClient, or your CAC reader shows up as STCII Smart Card Reader follow these instructions for updating the firmware on the reader.
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