useradd nologin

useradd nologin

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If there are any problems with useradd nologin, check if password and username is written correctly. Also, you can contact with customer support and ask them for help. If you don't remember you personal data, use button "Forgot Password". If you don't have an account yet, please create a new one by clicking sign up button/link.

linux - How can I create a non-login user? - Super User
    Another solution to create a system user, using adduser :. adduser --system --no-create-home --group yourusername You can remove --group if you don't need group yourusername, and --no-create-home if you do need a home for this user.. As mentionned by py4on in comments, on some systems one may need to use the --disabled-login option in order to, well, disable login for this user.
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The Complete Guide to "useradd" Command in Linux - 15 ...
    When /sbin/nologin is set as the shell, if user with that shell logs in, they'll get a polite message saying 'This account is currently not available.' This message can be changed with the file /etc/nologin.txt. /bin/false is just a binary that immediately exits, returning false, when it's called, so when someone who has false as shell logs in, they're immediately logged out when false exits.
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How to Create Users in Linux Using the 'useradd' Command
    Create users within Linux using the command line.. While many desktop Linux distributions provide a graphical tool for creating users, it is a good idea to learn how to do it from the command line so that you can transfer your skills from one distribution to another without learning new user interfaces.
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Howto: Linux shell restricting access - nixCraft
    Now user vivek’s new login shell is /sbin/nologin. Vivek allowed to use other services such as ftp, pop3 but not shell access via ssh or telnet. New user accounts. Add a new user called tony with no shell access: # useradd -s /sbin/nologin tony Debain / Ubuntu Linux user modify above command as follows: # useradd -s /usr/sbin/nologin tony
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Adding Users with Disabled Logins - CentOS
    2011-03-16 · You can disable logins to the account by setting the shell to /sbin/nologin[code]usermod -s /sbin/nologin teamspeak[/code] Asking a new question would not be dual-posting.
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5 Useradd Command Examples, With Explanations |
    2012-08-21 · I have previously written these two articles for creating users in the main used Linux distributions.. Now, I will show you 10 more useradd oneliners, for creating users in all the Linux and Unix systems.. Example 1.The most used useradd command: $ sudo useradd -m -d /home/mike1 -s /bin/bash -c "the mike1 user" -U mike1
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Linux useradd command help and examples - Computer Hope
    2019-05-04 · On Unix-like operating systems, the useradd command creates a new user or sets the default information for new users. This document covers the Linux version of useradd. -g, --gid GROUP The group name or number of the user's initial login group. The group name must exist. A …
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