what is backlog in agile

what is backlog in agile

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Scrum Product Backlog and Agile Product Backlog Prioritization

    Typically, a Scrum team and its product owner begin by writing down everything they can think of for agile backlog prioritization. This agile product backlog is almost always more than enough for a first sprint. The Scrum product backlog is then allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers.
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Backlog - définition - My Agile Partner Scrum

    Nous proposons de l'accompagnement agile, scrum et devops. Nos coachs agiles peuvent vous aider dans votre transformation digitale en réalisant des audits, des formations, en mettant en place une stratégie de votre transformation agile avec de nombreuses pratiques agiles : scrum, kanban, XP, devops, lean startup, management 3.0, scrumban, kanban, méthode agile.
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Référentiel des pratiques Agiles - Institut Agile

    Erreurs courantes. Le backlog n'est pas un cahier des charges. Dans l'absolu, sa forme n'est pas imposée: on peut le représenter par un document Excel, un fichier texte, une base de données ou encore par un ensemble de Post-It ou fiches cartonnées, ces dernières formes étant les …
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Product Backlog vs Sprint Backlog Difference In Agile ...

    Product Backlog VS Sprint Backlog difference In Agile Methodology 1. What is a Product Backlog. The product backlog is a priority list of user requirements, use cases to be done in order to create, maintain and sustain a product. Product Owner owns the product backlog,(s)he is the one who prioritize it based on the customers feedback or ...
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What Is an Agile Sprint Backlog? - dummies

    Each task should take one day or less for the development team to complete. A burndown chart that shows the status of the work the development team has completed.. The development team collaborates to create and maintain the sprint backlog, and only the development team can modify the sprint backlog.
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