4medica patient log in

4medica patient log in

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4medica - Innovating seamless healthcare …

    A healthcare interoperability innovator who leads the industry with its powerful cloud-based solutions for real-time, clinical data management, 4medica is working tirelessly to connect every patient’s data and make it easily accessible.
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Laboratory Services for Labs & Imaging Centers - …

    4medica’s Perfect Order for Perfect Payment™ ensures labs get paid for all laboratory services provided. Using our revolutionary patented approach, labs can now receive 100% inbound electronic orders, cleaning the data to validate patient …
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Lab Orders Management for Laboratories & …

    4medica uses automation and innovative technology to rapidly deploy inexpensive connectivity with physician offices. Leveraging the user interface to share lab orders, results and other patient data electronically, we offer a quick and easy way to return data to the patient record. Choose additional capabilities that strengthen patient safety ...
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Seamless clinical interoperability for improved …

    4medica leads the market using innovative technology and automation to create one consolidated patient record from multiple, disparate sources. We ensure a lack of clinical interoperability doesn’t get in the way of care coordination and billing, so our clients can focus on quality and cost of care.
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4medica blog - articles on healthcare …

    Although the U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to lift a ban on using federal funding to create national patient identifiers and 4medica was proud to support AHIMA’s support letter calling to strike Section 510 from the Labor-HHS appropriations bill, there is much work to be done to move patient matching forward in the healthcare ...
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    Call Customer Service 1-800-952-3455. Send a secure email. Make a payment
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4medica - Posts | Facebook

    Identity Duplication Assessment & Virtual Master Data Clean-up Program Sign-Up for a Free Assessment In today’s world of complex patient matching, and with the lack of a government issued patient ID, it’s just not enough to implement a master patient index (MPI) software solution to achieve accu...
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4medica - One Patient...One Record | LinkedIn

    Learn about working at 4medica - One Patient...One Record. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at 4medica - One Patient...One Record, leverage your …
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